Pitch Cheat Sheet

Ready to Become The Ultimate Design Pitching Machine?

This cheat-sheet will help you anytime you have to pitch your design ideas or concepts to your client.

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It's A Quick Guide To Mastering Any Presentation

Getting the graphic design pitch correct is crucial because it’s where your designs are either sold and approved, or rejected. A successful pitch will capture the client’s attention, communicate your ideas effectively, and ultimately win you the job. If your pitch fails to impress, you risk losing the opportunity altogether.

It can be daunting heading into any presentation or pitch, but if you know exactly how to conduct yourself, and what NOT to do, then you’ll instantly have way more confidence than before.

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Satori Graphics

The home of graphic design content right here on Youtube. My aim is to help you become the best designer that you can be, with comprehensive graphic design tutorials across the Adobe Creative Suite (mainly Adobe Illustrator). I also dive into the principles of graphic design, and we look at the business side of graphic design too! My aim is to give you the tools you need to be a successful graphic designer.

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Why Is The
Cheat-Sheet Useful?

  • Gives you confidence in your presentation
  • Shows you what NOT to do in a pitch
  • Gives you a concrete timeline of your pitch from start to finish
  • Shows you what the most important parts of a presentation are
  • And it’s 100% FREE!
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